Wednesday, October 5, 2011

To everything there is a season

If you are a child of the 60's, you remember the 1965 Byrds hit song Turn, Turn, Turn. (click for song on YouTube) The lyrics are straight from the Bible...the book of Ecclesiastes chapter 3:1-8. And while the passage and song are not primarily about the "seasons" in Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall (all you have to do is call and I'll be there yeah yeah yeah....oops that's a different song from James Taylor ) I mentioned the Byrd's song because I like it and I love scripture. But this post isn't about either. Sorry.

What is your favorite season? Since I am writing this in October you might think that my favorite season is Fall. Well, you would be correct. I LOVE Fall (aka Autumn.) I know some folks that love Summer the most, others love Spring while there are some that choose Winter as their favorite season. Do you think that your favorite season says something about who you are? There is some research that has been done on this topic but it is still a fairly new field of study.

Sarah Jio, in her blog, cites information from Dr. Scott Haltzman concerning favorite seasons. Dr. Haltzman is a well known psychiatrist and author. "Any scientific exploration of how people choose seasons must be colored by the fact that different seasons appear differently to those in different parts of the country," he notes. "For example, May days in the Northeast are glorious, while San Diego has very mild and warm winters, but a cloudy and gloomy month of May."

 Fall: You could be a risk taker, a bit of a wild child even. "The inconsistency of fall, and the dramatic colors and weather of the season tends to appeal to risk takers," he says. "For instance, when people choose what color clothes appeal to them, they are often unconsciously reflecting the colors in nature that appeal to them. In my clinical experience, individuals who wear bright colors or die their hair in off-beat shades often prefer fall as their favorite season." (If I had any hair, I might be tempted to color it some crazy shade.)

Winter: Break out the hot cocoa and a good book! Sound like your thing? "In my experience, people who say they favor winter are those who are less adventurous," he says. "They tend to be homebodies, and feel less comfortable when they are out of their element." (I would think those that love the Winter sports...skiing, snowboarding, skating, snowmobiling might declare winter as their favorite.)

Spring: If your favorite season involves waiting for the tulips to pop out of the ground, you're likely to be patient and easy going. "I think that individuals who are drawn to spring are less prone to seek immediate gratification," he says. "Like waiting for summer to unfold, they seem to enjoy a pace of life more low key than those who prefer summer or fall." (Masters Week in Augusta, Georgia makes NOT choosing Spring as the favorite very difficult.)

Summer: You're likely to be the life of the party--fun and lively. "People who are drawn to toward the sun, surf and open space of summer, for example, tend to be more outgoing," notes Haltzman. (Does anyone NOT love Summer? ...not my favorite, though.)

Cooler weather, baseball playoffs, football season, watching the leaves explode with color, camping, hiking, Halloween candy, Thanksgiving dinner (and more football)...what's not to love about Fall?

So...what's your favorite and why?

You Can Read More of Sarah Jio's Blog At 

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