I could be wrong on this. But, my guess is that ever since Carol was a little girl, she had a desire to be a teacher one day. Both of her parents were career teachers. Her older sister had gotten her degree and became a special education teacher. Since I've known her, I could see that she had a true love for teaching. She did attend Augusta College (now Augusta University) after HS graduation but, as you may have read from a prior post (link), she ended up becoming a Master Barber instead of finishing her degree.
About 4-5 years after we joined First Baptist Augusta, Carol began teaching in the children's Sunday School department. A couple years later, I began teaching 7th grade boys' Sunday School, worked with our mid-week high school group's Bible study, and was a counselor for our summer Youth Camp.
After a few years, I (and several others,) began encouraging Carol to consider teaching in the youth area. Our daughter was soon to become a 6th grader, moving from children's SS to youth SS. So, Carol began co-teaching the 7th grade girls' class. I was thrilled when this happened because it allowed us to collaborate on lesson preparation every week and to talk about common issues teaching and mentoring that age group. I became the middle school boys' Bible study teacher at our summer Youth Camp and Carol did the same with the middle school girls.
I was a youth camp counselor for 17 years. There was only one camp in 2000 where I had to bow out with short notice due to a back injury. I had already prepared all the lessons for the MS boys' Bible study so, I asked another counselor to teach those lessons while I stayed home nursing my back pain. I was also supposed to be the counselor staying in the cabin with the 12th grade guys (I had eventually moved up to teaching 12th grade SS.)
After the first day of camp, our minister to students called me to ask if there was any way possible I could come to camp. I thought his request was strange because the guy that was handling my Bible study was fully capable. He said that wasn't the issue. Apparently the "adult" that was staying in the 12th grade boys' cabin was not up to the task and that the boys were "out of control" and disrupting the entire camp. He was hoping I could come and help that situation. (For the record, the guys did redeem themselves.)
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Camp Bob Cooper typical cabin |
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Camp Cooper's blob |
So, I packed a bag, popped some extra pain pills, and made the 2.5 hour drive.
The next day, when it was time for Bible study, I decided that, since my friend was handling my Bible study, I would sit in on Carol's. I had actually never heard her teach before. So, I sat in the back and listened as she taught those middle school girls. I'll be honest. I was blown away. I always thought I was a pretty effective teacher. Then I experienced Carol's teaching. For an hour, I listened in awe as she brought the scripture passages to life. I watched while she mesmerized those girls with interesting historical perspectives and then seamlessly pivoted to give them applications for their young lives today... all the while exuding love; moving them from laughter to tears as she shared her personal experiences and her love for Jesus.
I was dumbfounded. Carol taught like a maestro bringing out the most beautiful notes from the musical score. But this was more than just good teaching, it was something extra special. Something you can't really put your finger on.
I attended all her remaining lessons that week.
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Carol and some of "her girls" |
Carol genuinely loved those 12-year old girls that came through her Sunday School class over the 12 or so years she taught. And those girls knew it. There must have been over 200 of them. The oldest ones are now almost 40 years old. She remained close to so many of them throughout their teen and college years and beyond. I'm pretty confident those girls have warm memories of Mrs. Toomey.
I should also mention that in 1995 we decided to homeschool our kids and Carol taught Jessica from 4th grade through HS graduation and taught Michael from 1st grade through 7th.
That might be a blog for another day.
But boy, could she teach. She became a teacher after all. And a really good one.
P.S. Jessica earned her Early Childhood Education degree and became a teacher.
Click here for all the "Things About My Carol" blogs
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I love that you are doing this. I had heard that she was a phenomenal SS as well as home school teacher. Would love to hear more about that.
ReplyDeleteMike, you an Carol did so much for my Grandson and I believe you had my son maybe for his junior a n Senior yr in Sunday School. You both had a lasting effect one them. Camp was where you touched my boys heart. Carol always Loved on Baker him from Middle School through high school. I know I have told you many times how much you both mean to me for the love, encouragement, and teaching an just plain great Bible wisdom. I love your blogs!! ❤️🙏❤️
ReplyDeleteWhat an awesome tribute to Carol. I regret that I did not have an opportunity to really get to know her. I knew enough to know that I love her and YOU. I love to watch you in your care of her. So attentive and so loving. Thank you for sharing your stories and your memories.
ReplyDeleteMike, it is such an honor to read about your Carol. Even though we only met on a few occasions, I could always see the love you had for each other. You are both deserving of God's love because you live his words daily. With love, Debbie