Sunday, December 11, 2011

What's the best gift you never received?

In the course of our lives, we have had numerous opportunities to receive gifts. American culture seems to be very gift oriented. Why, most of us received gifts before we were even born. I suppose those gifts were technically given to our parents at baby showers but, that blue baby blanket was, after all, for me so I think I am correct. Birthdays, holidays throughout the year, special life events and, of course, Christmas (the gift bonanza) are the big gift receiving times. Just think of how many gifts you have unwrapped in your lifetime.

Rollfast Cruiser
I have been blessed to receive some wonderful gifts. I remember getting my own new bicycle so I no longer had to ride my brother's hand-me-down Rollfast (although that Rollfast would probably be a collector's item today.) 

I loved receiving my first BB gun, my microscope, my wood burning kit, my own record player and several other items that every young guy growing up in the 50's and 60's yearned for. 

Honda CT70
The one gift I wanted so badly when I was growing up was a mini bike. These scaled down versions of motorcycles were very popular for running through the woods on trails or wherever the little machines could take you. The father of one of my best friends bought two Honda 70's for his family to ride. We had so much fun riding those bikes...but I never had one of my own. As a kid, this was probably the one gift I wished for but never received.

As we grow older, our gift wishes certainly change. Not too many adults are asking for train sets or Lincoln Logs or Barbie dolls (especially guys) or Lava lamps or 8-track players or Rock-em Sock-em Robots or Sea Monkeys or Chia Pets or Beanie babies or Pet Rocks or a pogo stick or a Charlie's Angels lunch box or a Rubik's cube or an Atari video console. Of course, not too many kids are asking for these things today since most of these are no longer popular or even available. Some toys seem to be timeless. Bicycles, Frisbees, skateboards, baseball gloves and dolls still show up wrapped up under the tree.

iPhone and iPad
But ask most kids today what gift they would like and they will often give you the same answer as many adults. Electronics certainly top the list of the most sought after gifts. Top of the list? iPad 2 or maybe an iPhone 4S. I don't really ever remember a time until recently when kids and adults shared a common wish list.

Some of my most cherished gifts as an adult have been those that evoked strong sentimental feelings. When our daughter Jessica was just a little thing, Carol had a mother/daughter portrait made and gave it to me for Christmas. Another time she had some old color slides of my sister and me blown up and framed. She knows how to get me emotional and now takes every opportunity to come up with some amazing gifts like that. The portrait that I had made with our son Michael was one of my reciprocal gifts to her. One of the best gifts Carol bought me was my first cordless Makita drill. I was so impressed that she bought me something that she had absolutely no familiarity with and had to do some research and check with some of my guy friends to learn about it. Carol has always come up with some of the best and most thoughtful gifts. What's the best gift I have never received as an adult? That's a tough one. I am not someone that really desires to accumulate a bunch of stuff although I have my share of man goodies.

I mentioned wanting a mini bike as a kid. You know what I have always wanted as an adult? A Honda Gold Wing motorcycle. Funny how those motorized two-wheel machines have eluded me all my life.
Honda Gold Wing

What is that one best gift that you never received? 

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