Thursday, January 26, 2012

Remember the first time you voted?

The Presidential election of 1976 was my first voting experience. The 1970's were tumultuous times in politics. Richard Nixon resigned the Presidency after being exposed during the Watergate scandal. His Vice-President, Gerald Ford, assumed the position of President and, soon thereafter, pardoned Nixon. This was very unpopular with many people, Democrat and Republican alike.

Reluctantly, Ford agreed to run in the 1976 election. In the primaries, former California governor, Ronald Reagan ran against Ford but, ultimately bowed out at the Republican convention. I voted for Reagan in the Georgia primary. He and I lost. In the general election, Ford ran against Jimmy Carter. I voted for Ford. He and I lost. Two voting opportunities and I was 0-2. Hmmm, didn't start my voting career so well.

I am a Republican. Here is how I voted in the following elections:

1976- Voted for Ronald Reagan in primary. Voted for Gerald Ford in election (Carter won)
1980- Voted for Ronald Reagan in primary. Voted for Ronald Reagan in election (Carter lost)
1984- Voted for Ronald Reagan in primary. Voted for Ronald Reagan in election (Mondale lost)
1988- Voted for Pat Robertson in primary*. Voted for George H.W. Bush in election (Dukakis lost)
1992- Voted for Pat Buchanon in primary*. Voted for George H.W. Bush in election (Clinton won)
1996- Voted for Alan Keyes in primary. Voted for Bob Dole in election (Clinton won)
2000- Voted for Alan Keyes in primary. Voted for George W. Bush in election (Gore lost)
2004- Voted for George W. Bush in primary. Voted for George W. Bush in election (Kerry lost)
2008- Voted for Mike Huckaby in primary. Voted for John McCain in election (Obama won)

* I consider these to be protest votes. I was not a fan of George H.W. Bush.

So, I have voted in 9 primaries and 9 general elections. My record in the primaries? 3 wins, 6 losses. My record in the general elections? 5 wins, 4 losses.

Except for Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush's second term election, I have voted against the eventual Republican nominee 67% of the time. Not sure what that says about my political persuasion but, I don't automatically go for the leading Republican candidate. I try to vote for who I think is the better candidate not for the one I think will eventually win.

Voting. An American privilege. Do it as often as they let you.

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