Friday, August 19, 2011

Man's best friend

Nothing clever about the title of this one...I am talking about dogs. Experts tell us that the dog (domesticated form of gray wolf) may have been the first domesticated animal maybe dating back 15,000 years. We know that dogs have been used for hunting, herding, and to perform other tasks since they were domesticated. But the vast majority of dogs today are simply our companions.

Lucy (click to enlarge)
I think God planned for mankind to have this special relationship with dogs. He must have because they are the perfect companion (I mean aside from your significant other...) If you are a true dog-lover, you have to admit that your life is enriched by your dog (or dogs.) When I was growing up, we always had at least one dog. I remember Roxy and Lisa and Willy. As an adult, I had Bernie, Buster and Booker. My wife and I had Buffy and Lucy and we now have Kaya and Maddie. I'm sure I have forgotten some of the dogs we had when I was a young kid. But I remember that I loved them all. Even the pain-in-the-neck Cocker Spaniel that came as a part of the package deal when my wife and I got married. I wasn't really crazy about that first. But I vividly remember crying on the drive home from the vet when I took her to have her put down. Lucy was the most prominent dog we owned. Our daughter and son had her as a pet for almost their entire childhood. We were crazy about that German Shepherd. One of Jessica's friends once made the comment "the Toomeys are obsessed with their dog." She was correct.
Kaya and Maddie hiking in the mountains (click to enlarge)

Dogs love us unconditionally (another reason I think it is part of God's plan...reminds us of how He loves us unconditionally.) Dogs are always happy when you come home...can't say that about anyone else in the family. They are loyal, loving, and would probably die for you if the situation called for it. Oh...and another reason I think it was God's plan all along. Did you ever think about the fact that dog's don't sweat? Can you imagine how badly they would smell after being outside in the heat all day...they would be wet and stinky. Who would want to love on a dog that perspired? But they don't sweat...they pant. I'm certain God planned it that way. Man's best friend? Absolutely.


This photo below is evidence that a picture is worth 1000 words and it puts an exclamation point on what I said above. This is a picture of "Hawkeye" the loyal Labrador retriever of Petty Officer John Tumilson, one of the Navy SEALs killed in action in Afghanistan when the helicopter he was in was shot down.. Hawkeye refused to leave the side of his master... enough said.
Hawkeye lies by the casket of his owner, Petty Officer John Tumilson


  1. Look at those sweet babies!! Dogs are the perfect companion

  2. You are so right about dogs Mike. I don't know what I would do without mine. I have an 8 yr old rednose PitBull that is the sweetest little angel. I'm gonna have to stay tuned in to read your blogs from now on. Have a great day.
    Bryan Anderson

  3. That funeral picture makes me cry EVERY time I look at it. We loved our dogs too like you and your family, MIke. They always love us, no matter what. It is like the love God shares with us. Man's best friend.... <3
    Thanks for sharing.
